We are so grateful you’ve decided to spend your time with us. MoChiMu enriches the lives of all children by nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and a love for lifelong learning, and we’re honored that you would choose us as a resource for you and the children you care about.
Here are essential steps for your planning.
Purchase your tickets
We pack a whole lot of wonder in MoChiMu’s 12,000 square feet – but we don’t pack in people. We have a limited capacity to ensure great safety, courtesy, inclusion, show, and efficiency for our guests. So we highly recommend that you pre-purchase tickets for your desired date and time to be guaranteed entry.
Wondering where to go? We’re located at 928 11th Street in downtown Modesto, California.
Where to park? You’ll find a city-operated, pay-to-park garage across from the museum’s front doors. Street parking around the museum is free, but time-limited, so be sure to check signage and set timers to move your vehicle as needed.
What to bring? At MoChiMu, you will climb, slide, draw, build, and splash, so we recommend that you wear comfortable clothes you can explore in – including close-toed shoes.
What not to bring? We ask guests to avoid bringing food and drink into the museum, as we don’t have a dedicated eating space. We also recommend against strollers – we don’t have designated “stroller parking,” and our space is an active, engaged one. Of course, we don’t allow smoking (including cigarettes, marijuana, and vaping) or weapons of any kind.
3. Get Into the Explorer Mindset
At MoChiMu, we don’t just play… we explore. That means that when we encounter new situations, we begin by asking questions! We start with asking, “What do you see?” Then we build a connection to things we’ve seen before, asking “What does it make you think about?” Then, we work together to consider, “What does it make us wonder?” Then, we try out the thing we’re wondering and see something new!
All of MoChiMu’s ten exhibit areas are interactive, hands-on, and focused on the process of learning… asking questions curiously, thinking creatively, working collaboratively. Look across our Map and explore our Exhibits here. Consider which exhibits might appeal to your learner… but be especially excited about the areas they fall in love with even though you might not have anticipated it.
To help, we have developed an Adult Explorer Guide filled with conversation-starting questions! You are welcome and encouraged to download and print this guide to help you prepare to strengthen your visit!
4. Make Memories at MoChiMu
We cannot wait to see you at the Modesto Children’s Museum! If you have any questions ahead of your visit, feel free to reach out to us at hello@modestochildrensmuseum.org or give us a call during museum hours at 209-232-6060. We look forward to seeing you soon.